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Coating Window

Glass –the Weakest link in a Blast…
Unfortunately, we live in a world where bomb blast is a real danger to our safety and security. A bomb blast turns unprotected glass into dangerous flying shards. Due to high velocity flying glass fragments, lacerations have been responsible for a significant portion of the injuries received in explosion incidents. During a blast, glazing will break, causing severe injuries. Blast pressures can carry broken glass at speeds over 100 feet per second (68 MPH).

Glass / Impact
Windowssheild coating provides exceptional blast and impact-resistant capabilities.

Flying Debris
Windowssheild coating reduces risks associated with broken glass and airborne debris.

Falling Glass Shards
Windowssheild coating holds broken glass shards in place, helping to avoid a significant hazard for passersby.

Post-incident Rescue and Cleanup
Windowssheild coating secures broken glass making the rescue and cleanup process safe and efficient.

Solar Safety Film
Windowssheild coating provides you protection against the harmful effects of solar radiation.